Sunday, March 10, 2013

DAYS 546-547... Papa Comes to Visit!!!

I have always been blessed to live fairly close to my parents. Even when they tried to escape me and move to Hawaii, I quickly rearranged my schedule so that I could come and live in Hawaii too!!! Those were some great times!
So of course when the time comes for me to have a baby, my parents would happen to live the furthest away than ever from me! So when we caught wind that Papa would be coming to visit, our home got very very excited! We hadn't seen him since Aniston's blessing and that was 6 months too long ago!

Aniston had been pretty cranky lately, probably due to the fact that her teeth are coming in like crazy and that she had her very first diaper rash.... so sad!!! But when Papa was here she did pretty good!

Ani Kate is obsessed with buttons!!!! So of course that's the first place she went when Papa finally got to hold her!
We all hit up the always delicious Taco Bell for dinner and Aniston decided that she would rather eat the table than anything else.
We just happened to go on the day that their new Cool Ranch Doritos Taco debuted and I have to admit, I'm not really a fan. I just really couldn't even taste the chip so it was just a waste of cool ranch Doritos.
And this is probably my favorite picture from Papa's visit... So sweet.
We had a great time with Papa!!! We hope that he can come back soon and bring Nana with him!!!!
 At this point Aniston was really excited and had totally warmed up to Papa, which meant her arms were wildly flapping during every picture...
 3 generations!
Speaking of great Dads... Look what Ani had made for her awesome Dad...

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