Wednesday, December 19, 2012

DAY 465... Sometimes

Sometimes Ani Kate and I like to take naps together...

Sometimes I go to work 1 1/2 hours early to watch the 2nd grade Christmas play and I spend the entire time bawling like a baby because all I can think about is how awesome and how proud I am going to be of Aniston when she gets to be in a Christmas program. I did burst out laughing when the 3 year old sitting next to me waited until the middle of the program, when it was completely silent and then decided loudly to ask his parents why they get their own room. His parents had no idea what to say to their straight faced little boy. It was pretty darn hilarious!

Sometimes we get cranky at high school basketball games because Mom would rather take pictures than get my bottle ready...

Sometimes we get really excited about spending our evening at Madison basketball games!!!

Sometimes (every time) the girls pray before their performance...

Sometimes I hand my 5 1/2 month old child off to a high school student dressed as a Bobcat just so I can get a picture...

Sometimes I take awesome pictures of my super cute cheer team!!!

Sometimes the Cheer Mom's get me a super cute blanket for Christmas with my name on it! I can't wait to snuggle with Ani in it!

Sometimes my day ends in a Happily Ever After... just like today!

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