Thursday, January 24, 2013

Things I Love... Take 1

Recently I have discovered several things that I can't believe that I ever lived without!!!! And I bet you are all super excited to know what those things are right????? And don't worry... I have attached links if you decide you want to love them too!!!

1. The Breathable Crib Bumper - Okay, so maybe this is something that I could have lived without up until Aniston was born, but now I LOVE it and I could not live without it!!! I was super paranoid about having a bumper in the crib because of SIDS. Everything about SIDS terrifies me!!! But once we put Aniston in her big crib we realized that she needed some sort of bumper. Her little arms and legs kept getting stuck between the bars!!! So sad!!! So I did some research and found this amazing breathable bumper super cheap!!!! I have even witnessed Ani 100% asleep with her face pushed into this bumper and she was fine! It protects her arms and legs and I don't have to worry about her not being able to breath!!! AMAZING!!! Such a fantastic invention!!!!

2. Conair Infiniti Pro Salon Hair Dryer. Those of you who actually know me know that I have a ton of hair!!!! Usually blow drying my hair would take somewhere between 45 minutes to an hour!!! And if you know me you know that taking that long to get ready is out of the question! This is why I don't wear makeup! I am super lazy and putting it on and taking it off takes FOREVER!!!!  So when my old blow dryer died (RIP), I went on the search for a new one. Let's be honest... I got this one because it was orange. True story! But in reality it rocks my world! It only takes between 15-25 minutes to blow dry my hair (AMAZING!!!!), it's super light weight, it has that super cool cold shot button, which let's be honest I don't even know how to use it but it's still cool, it's totally affordable and it has several speeds and heats. I absolutely love it! So does Ani!!! I think her favorite thing ever is when I blow dry my hair. Too bad that only happens once or twice a week.

3. Triamcinolone. Okay, so you can't buy this you need to have it prescribed to you... or to your adorable 6 month old baby who was suffering from eczema. Notice I said "was"..... that's because this stuff totally cured her hurting dry skin and refreshed it to her baby soft and amazing smelling skin! So I have always (since I can remember) had these red little bumps all over the backs of my arms. They were embarrassing and gross and I just never knew what to do about them. Seriously I can look at pictures from high school and totally see these annoying bumps on my arms!!! Well, after seeing the success Ani Kate had with her little bumps and this cream, I decided to give it a go myself. My bumps aren't gone, but my arms have never looked better! I can feel that the bumps have decreased in size and the redness has really gone down! Definitely ask your doctor about this medication if you are suffering from eczema!!!

I always love to find new things to love... so if anyone has any AMAZING "things" in their lives that you would like to help me love, let me know!!!! I would love to learn to love new things!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commentators here!
    white crib bumper
