Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Children's Things I Love... Dolly Parton Imagination Library

I love books.
This is no secret.
My children love books.
Thank goodness.

When I learned about the Dolly Parton Imagination Library,
I quickly went here,
and checked to see if my children were eligible.

We were!!!!

There are not programs everywhere unfortunately,
but if you don't have this program in your area,
there is an option to start one.

I quickly signed up both of my children.

Every month they each get a free book in the mail.
Seriously 100% free.
No gimmicks.
No nonsense.
It's probably Aniston's favorite day of the month.
Every day when I check the mail she asks if her book came today,
even if her book had just come the day before.
It's like Christmas one a month.
Well, actually twice a month.
Benson's book and Aniston's books come on different days,
and Aniston is a firm believer that whatever is Benson's is also hers.

Since my children are different ages they get different,
age appropriate,

The books are good books,
which is important to me.
They're not like weirdo books that no one has ever heard of.
They are legit, 
even award winning books!

The program allows children to register and to receive free books from birth to age 5.
That means Aniston only has 1 1/2 left,
but we can make the most of it!

I am a firm believer that you can never have too many books!

I am so thankful for programs like these that encourage my children to read,
and more importantly,
that encourages me to read with them.

Check it out for your kids.

I promise it's worth it!

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