Tuesday, December 23, 2014

DAY 1211... Dear Santa

Aniston is totally into Christmas this year and I am loving it! To me, Christmas is like Disneyland. It's so magical! Especially for a child around Ani's age. Presents, reindeer, snow, cookie baking, Santa, nativity scenes, Christmas lights... the list could go on and on. Aniston understands the concept that Santa is watching her this year, so that has been beneficial for Spencer and I. We may or may not have taken advantage of this idea... Our bad. However, Aniston is incredibly stubborn and sometimes she straight up doesn't care if Santa is watching or not. Oh well. Serves us right. To see her eyes light up and to witness her excitement when we talk about Christmas is totally worth her belief in Santa. The older you become, the less you believe. It's so sad really, but it's the truth. I want Aniston to experience and to treasure her moments of belief. I know that parents choose to do things differently as they parent children, and whether they choose to teach their children about Santa or not is their own decision. For our family, we love the idea of Santa and want to make it last as long as possible!

Aniston Mom wrote Aniston's first letter to Santa and sent it to him!

Aniston has already seen Santa 3 times this year and compared to our experience with Santa at Disneyland last year....

Things have much improved...

She has grown so much in the past year!!!!

Last Monday we stopped by the local Grocery store to drop off Aniston's letter to Santa. They have a big mailbox that you put your letters into and if you leave your return address he will write back to you... He hasn't written back yet... Aniston was just a tad bit excited to mail off her letter...

I really hope he actually writes back to her. What kind of Santa promises a return letter then doesn't deliver? Aniston has a crazy good memory too and asks every day when Santa is going to write back. If it comes down to it, I will just send her a letter from Santa myself.

I love that Aniston is loving Christmas and Santa this year! I know that this excitement won't always last and so you can bet that I am going to talk it up, live it up, and make it as believable and fantastic for my children as I possibly can!

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