Sunday, August 10, 2014

DAY 1079... The Spirit of a Child

Church is tough with a kid. All of the sudden it seems as though you are spending more time in the hallways then in classes, your pew is covered in Cheerios, smarties, goldfish, fruit snacks, and whatever other treats you thought could entertain and quiet your child. It seems as though the minute sacrament meeting begins is the moment that books, toys, coloring, stickers and movies become uninteresting and are not capable of entertainment for the next hour. As soon as you're home of course, they once again resume their characteristic of entertainment.

Normally we don't have any huge issues with Aniston during church. Spencer and I keep ourselves pretty busy keeping her happy and entertained and we are usually exhausted by the end of the first hour. It's amazing we don't fall asleep during Sunday School. Today though, there must have been something in the air. It wasn't just Ani who had a rough time, there were several toddlers in the ward that just couldn't seem to handle church today. Aniston was literally screaming with tears running down her face, and in my opinion, there was really no reason for it. When it came time for nursery, a time that she usually loves, she broke down and started screaming about how she needed to go home... this quickly changed into "I need to see the temple and listen to the temple song!" So here we were faced with a tricky decision. Do we send our insanely upset toddler into nursery and wish them luck or do we leave and spend the next hour at the temple? We made the decision to take Aniston to the temple. The way her countenance changed and the way she calmed down and just listened to the temple song she had asked for and how calmly and excited she was to walk around the temple was amazing.

At Chloe's baptism last week we sang, "I love to see the temple" and to my knowledge this was the first time she had ever heard this song, but instantly she sat still and listened to the words. 2 days later on the drive home she woke up from a nap and asked if we could listen to the temple song. I was kind of surprised and shocked that she remembered that song after only hearing it 1 time, but as soon as I started playing the song, she lite up and just was beaming. We definitely listened to it 10 times before I could convince her it was Mommy's turn to listen to a song, but it was just such an amazing experience.

There are so many times when I am so upset and mad and all I think of doing is going to take a nap, but why not take a clue from my 2 year old who only wants to go to the temple when she is upset? I remember my niece being about 3 years old and making some "bad choices" at a family dinner. When my sister asked her what she wanted to do she replied, "I want to say a prayer." I was shocked by her answer but admired my sister for teaching her this option to her anger. I am not even close to being a perfect parent, and I didn't realize that I was really doing anything right until today when Aniston asked to go to the temple because somehow she knew that it would make her feel better. It's a small victory, but it couldn't have come at a better time. I love learning from Aniston and her sweet spirit. Children seem to have a way of capturing the spirit and sharing it with others that adults simply cannot compare to. One of the biggest blessings in my life is having a child and being able to learn so much, something that I had never even considered as a possibility, from her on a daily basis. She is teaching me things that in 28 years I hadn't really ever considered and how does that work? How does a 2 year old understand and know the truth of things I have been taught my whole life by parents who I'm sure did a better job than I am doing? Children are miracles and such a blessing.

I have spent most of the day looking through books of temples that I have with Aniston or googling different temples so that she could look at them. We even printed off some pictures of temples for her to color. I don't think she understands the importance of the temple, or how because of ordinances performed there she gets to be with her family forever, but she knows that she feels the spirit when she is there and how it makes her feel happy to be there or even to listen to that song and that is just fine for a 2 year old. I couldn't ask for anything more!

And yes... Ani and I do match. I'm a cool Mom like that!

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