Monday, September 28, 2015

DAY 1486... Elder Kinville

My younger brother Jake, is currently serving a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Scotland/Ireland mission.

This is something that I admire greatly because I cannot even begin to imagine putting my entire life on hold for 2 years to teach and to serve others.

I am daily amazed at the strength of my 19 year old brother doing so out of his own free will.

Every week he sends us e-mails, talking about his adventures as the life of a missionary in the UK. 
His letters are uplifting and inspiring.

If you are interested in reading his letters, I promise, they are super entertaining, you can do so on the following blog:

He has about a year and a half left, and I can guarantee you that his letters will never get boring!

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