Sunday, January 5, 2014

DAY 866... Nursery

I am one proud Mommy! I am that person who would cry at senior night sporting events or at plays put on by the elementary school kids just thinking out how proud their parents must be of them. I could not wait until I was able to have one of those moments. I longed for them! I got my first proud mommy moment today and I LOVED IT! I'm surprised because it's really hard having your baby grow up and reach milestones and blow through their "baby" years. But as sad and as hard as that is, witnessing your child hit milestones, and not just hit them, but destroy them is AWESOME!!!!

Aniston is 18 months old today. What?!?! How adorable is my kid????

That means a lot of things, but one of the biggest was that she was finally old enough to go to nursery at church. This means we spend 1 hour together as a family and then, while Spencer and I attend our adult classes, she spends the next 2 hours in nursery playing with kids age 18 months to 3 years. They have a lesson and singing time and snack time and they just play. It's nice because since Ani was 8 months she has made attending our adult classes very difficult. She just hated having to sit still and not play and not talk. We have been counting down the Sundays until nursery, but dreading it at the same time I guess.

When it was time for nursery today, I was super nervous. Aniston hadn't taken a nap and that usually means she can be super grumpy and mean. Yes, she gets that from me. But we walked into the classroom, I talked with the teachers about her, and she said bye and began to play with all the kids. I was a little surprised but Spencer and I left and we went to class. Of course both of us took turns peeking in at her through the window on the door and making sure she was doing fine. Every time she looked happy and so much like a big girl and no longer my baby.

After the 2 hours apart, I ran to the classroom to get her and the teachers said she did better than most of the older kids! He said you never would have known it was her first time. That's my girl! I am so proud of her bravery and her ability to accept change. She definitely doesn't get that from her mom at all! I feel rewarded in thinking that somehow Spencer and I helped prepare her for this and that's why she did so well. It's a long shot I know, but it boosts my self esteem for today at least.

I have always dreaded Aniston growing up since the first time I held her in my arms. But reaching this milestone and accomplishing the shiz out of it, makes me excited for her first day of school, her first sporting event, her first concert, and every other crazy notion I have of her future! 

Aniston has grown up so much in the past 18 months! She is so smart, sassy, loving, brave, kind, hilarious, creative, and just so many other qualities that I could only to begin to hope I posses. She isn't my baby anymore. She is my little girl and it's okay that she keeps growing and learning and having new experiences. Judging by the way she handled herself today there is no doubt in my mind that my fearless child will go on to accomplish great things! And I can't wait to be there to support her every step of the way! 

Way to go Aniston Kate! You are amazing! Your parents are so proud of you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthiversary to Aniston! That is so great that she did so well in Nursery!
