Wednesday, July 13, 2016

DAY 1584... Aniston Turns 4

I cannot even believe that Aniston is 4!!!!

Aniston's birthday started off really really rough...

I was not even expecting this kind of reaction!
And I thought turning 30 was rough...
Aniston was really emotional all day about turning 4.

The turning point was at her soccer game when she scored her first goal.
Then she decided that being 4 might be okay.

We told her that she could choose anywhere to eat and she said she wanted rice,
and fried ice cream.
We are so bff's!

When they brought her the fried ice cream the waitress said,
"Now you don't have to share, but I brought you extra spoons just in case."
Spencer reached for a spoon and Aniston quickly reminded him,
"Dad. She said I didn't have to share."

Aniston is super into Darth Vader...
as if you couldn't tell,
so that was her party theme.
She is super opinionated kid and had to have final say on invites,
and activities.

Spencer and I just laughed the entire time we were making her cake the night before her party.
What 4 year old girl loves evils things and wants a Darth Vader party?
What about princesses and pink?
I just love her personality!
I hope she's never afraid to be herself!

This was her first party where she invited friends.
I was super nervous about it!
With her birthday so close to a holiday and the way some people can be,
I was worried no one would come.
But they did come so that was good.
This was the least prepared I have ever been for one of my kids parties,
but emotionally,
and physically,
I'm feeling a little funky and I just could not pull it together.

Aniston just wanted to play water games.
Thank goodness Rexburg cooperated with us for some decent weather.
We did do a little light saber action,

and my brother was kind enough to play our villain,
who also happened to be Darth Vader,
confusing I know,
but the girls just mostly played in the water.

Her cute friends both got her gifts revolving around Star Wars,
and she just loved that!

They didn't have any Star Wars bikes,
so we settled on a princess bike.

I cannot believe that it has been 4 years since I gave birth to Ani.
I knew she would be,
but becoming a first time parent is crazy and difficult,
and I wasn't really sure what to expect.

Aniston is so smart!
She is kind,
the best big sister ever,
and so loving!

It has been a blast watching her grow up.
It has also been some of the most challenging moments of my life.

Whenever we go to my parents house they just laugh when I struggle with her.
They cannot get over how similar she acts compared to me at that age,
and they call that payback.

Being a Mom,
and watching your child develop their personality and to see them experience life,
Aniston has exceeded all of my expectations for having a daughter!
I am so blessed!


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