Well Rexburg, you have disappointed me once again. Today was so cold that Aniston only lasted 5 minutes outside before she started shaking because she was so cold. Luckily for us we went trick or treating on the BYU Idaho campus on Tuesday (DAY 798) when it was indoors. It was really fun that the students got together to have a little trick or treating deal for kids. I appreciated it anyway. It only took Ani a few minutes to realize that if she held her pumpkin bucket up she would be rewarded with candy. So fun! We got told several times that Aniston had the best costume they had seen, and judging by the line for the trick or treating they saw a lot of costumes.
So today we attempted to go to my parent's trunk or treat. Key word "attempted". There were 6 rows of cars, and we only made it down 2 before Ani started shaking. Poor Baby. Even the candy couldn't cheer her up.
Check out 3 hole punch Ryan.... Classic Office.
The Jamba Juice in town was offering free Jamba's for kids 8 and under today and that is where Aniston found happiness. She LOVES Jamba... and let's be honest, Jamba sure loved her too. The girls who worked there died over her costume and then after they gave her her Jamba she signed "thank you" and they thought that was the cutest thing!
Next we headed over to our wards Halloween party... turned out it wasn't so good if you had kids. Being a married couple with no kids would have been perfect, but not so much for us.... Kind of disappointing. Ani did find this ring on the table and was OBSESSED!
Aniston did get a chance to get her groove on for everybody...
We ended the night with trick or treating at Nana and Papa's house. Finally got Ani to smile for a good family Halloween pic.
And because I love progression pictures... Our first 3 years of Halloween as a family!
I'm already on the hunt for the perfect idea or costume for Ani for next year. Any ideas or suggestions???
Let's just take a moment to remember what Aniston looked like 1 year ago...
From Pea to Peacock... Can you believe how much she has grown???? We're thinking Cockroach for next year maybe? I'm sure I can make that cute...
Also remember how I married a freaking talented man? Just look what he created with our pumpkin!!!
Seriously? AMAZING! Love him!