1. I LOVE Les Miserables!!! But you already knew that one right? I never had the opportunity to read that book in high school or in college, but after being introduced to the music, I fell in love with this story. I fell in love with the book (phenomenal writing), the musical, and now the movie!!! LOVE IT ALL!!!
2. I LOVE the smell of skunks. Okay I know this is really weird, but it's 110% true. It's one of my favorite things about road trips! I seriously slow the car down when I start to smell that lovely skunky smell!!! I would love to have one of those cute critters as a pet someday! Such a sassy little creature.
3. My favorite food is nachos! Growing up, every Friday night we would try a different Mexican restaurant in the Spokane area, just to try out their chips and salsa and their nachos. Every time I get Mexican food I get nachos! They are delicious and amazing and the BEST food ever!!!
4. I graduated from BYU-Idaho with a degree in English/History and a minor in Marriage and Family Studies. Please don't judge me on my writing skills or my marriage now. I have a problem applying the things I have learned to everyday life. I also got to graduate with my Mom and my sister and my Dad got to give us our diplomas! Best thing ever!
5. My favorite part of my body is my toes. They are PERFECT! I love that my pointer toe is shorter than my big toe... Unfortunately Aniston Kate did not inherit my toes. Her pointer toe is already much longer than her big toe. She is still insanely ADORABLE though!!!
6. I LOVE Taco Bell! Didn't need to tell you this one either huh??? My obsession started the summer before my junior year in high school. The Taco Bell in Redmond, OR started having this deal during cheer camp where you could get a burrito, and taco and a drink for $1.99. Thus Taco Bell Tuesdays were born, where we would go to Taco Bell every Tuesday for my junior and senior year and ever since, I have been hooked!
7. When I was 14 I was diagnosed with severe depression. I'm still learning to conquer depression, and it is probably the hardest thing I have ever dealt with in my life! I have been on and off medication, but none of that seems to work well at all, so I no longer take medication. It's been 13 very long years dealing with depression, but I am hopeful that someday I will no longer have it as a a part of my everyday life!
8. I compare myself to EVERYONE! I know that this is an awful habit, and I do try not to do it, but it's like ingrained in my head. I am learning to love myself for me instead of based off of what others say or think about me, but it's a hard habit to break after 27 years.
9. I own every season of The Hills (guilty pleasure), Laguna Beach (not a joke), Arrested Development (hilarious), Boy Meets World (ALL TIME FAVORITE), One Tree Hill (addiction), Flight of the Conchords (musical genius), The Office (every season available), Grey's Anatomy (every season available), Seinfeld (Spencer's favorite), Duck Dynasty (every season available and Prince of Malibu, which I bet you have never heard of but I promise you would die laughing!!!! So funny!
10. We discovered the name Aniston on the show Toddlers and Tiara's. I was watching it while on bed rest and told Spencer about it when he got home from work. Right away we both knew that we loved it! However, Aniston still wasn't named until 24 hours after she was born because we had to make sure it was the absolute perfect name. And let's be honest... we did real good!
11. I cannot stand fake people. Those people who pretend to be your friend and then when it's not easy or convenient for them they decide you're not worth the time... yeah those kinds of people suck!
12. My senior year I won the award for Human Development Student of the Year... Between graduating High School in 2004 (YIKES) and having Ani Kate in 2012, I forgot everything I learned!!!
13. The series finale of Gossip Girl was possibly the BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT of my life!!!
14. The first TV show I ever cried at was the series finale of Boy Meets World (still makes me cry to this day). The first movie I cried at was Anne of Green Gables (you knew the part where Matthew dies), and the first book that made me cry was Charly (don't even ask me to watch the movie... huge mess). I'm basically a big bawl baby!
15. I had a period of time during Middle School were I was convinced that I was adopted.
16. I sometimes dream about becoming a singer. Sometimes I listening to recordings of music I have sang and pretend I've never heard it before to try to hear what other people would hear. However, I'm scared out of my mind to sing in front of people. My ultimate dream is to sing the National Anthem in front of a crowd someday.
17. In order to fall asleep at night I have to yawn and then not open my eyes after I have yawned. If I open my eyes I have to yawn all over again... It's a little annoying.
18. I am a little OCD. It drives me crazy when something is out of place! To the point where if it's out of place and I know about it I can't fall asleep or relax until it's fixed.
19. I absolutely LOVE white trash bashes!!! I have been to so many and they are the best parties ever!!!! And I have never tasted alcohol in my life, so that's root beer right there....
20. I do not celebrate Valentine's Day EVER!!! To be honest I'm a little worried about this now that I have a child, but we'll see what happens.
21. I can sing all of the Presidents of the United States in order in the tune to "In Our Lovely Deseret." I'm so awesome!
22. I think that Carrie Underwood and Kate Middleton are two of the most beautiful people in the world!!!
23. Spencer and I were married on 9-10-11.
24. The only makeup I ever wear is mascara and "fake" eye liner. I can't use eye liner so I use eye shadow as eye liner. Haha. I cannot stand to have anything on my face as far as makeup goes! Plus, I'm just too lazy to take it off and put it on!
25. I got my one and only tattoo on the top of my right foot when I was 21 and I have regretted it ever since.
26. Coaching cheerleading is one of the most fulfilling and awesome things that I have ever done in my life! It falls directly below being a Mom.
27. My family is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in my life!
I hope year 27 is better than year 26! I'm pretty sure it will be the best year ever!!!