Monday, May 1, 2017

Everything You Missed... April 2017 Edition

April flew by!!!
Life was so busy and so crazy,
but we are LOVING Utah!!!
Please be patient with me because I don't have the time or energy to post the photos in order...

My aunt,
and one of the most amazing people in the world,
bought a a zoo pass as a welcome gift!

The kids and I took a trip up to Rexburg to watch Ryan's last high school play,
and to attend the Idaho Falls Temple Open House.

 Ryan is a genius and had his pick of schools to attend for college,
but he choose the University of Utah!!!

Bus ride to the temple!

My boys twinning it up for church!

I saw this deer in my neighborhood during my morning run.

Ani is super excited about Ryan's college choice.

We spend a lot of time at the rec center,
and that involves swimming,

and swimming days make for the best nap days!

Trying to master this stay at home Mom/wife stuff.
Can we just be honest and talk about how once we started eating this the salmon was underdone and the rice was still tough...
We had Chick-fil-A for dinner that night...

Story time at the library!

I will dress the the same forever!

Our stove top when we moved in,
then after we did work...

Ryan and Jake stayed with us a for few days after we moved down to help us out.
We loved having them!

Ani loves being a sloth at the Museum of Natural Curiosity.

Mazes for days at Thanksgiving Point...

Benson was really upset that the door wouldn't open...

Shooting at Scheel's.

Naps in Mom's beds are the best naps!

Ani is OBSESSED with Claire!

Riding the train at the zoo is always the best!

 Always loving on brother.

Rock climbing with Ani!

So happy with our life in Utah!

Benson spilled water on his pants and wouldn't stop screaming until we took off his pants...

Rice all day,
every day.

Easter breakfast!

Dad built a boat for Ani's new Moana doll.

 Easter walks.
The view in our neighborhood...

Spencer's first day of work!

They are never happy with me when I make them get out of the pool...

Fun at the Bee's game!

 Benson is OBSESSED with Bumble!!!

Parks days...

Those blue eyed babies of mine!!!

Benson is counting!

Ikea for lunch!

Dance parties for days!

Worst road trip ever!

Angry Moana!

When you're 4...

Waiting in the car...

I know an old lady...